
Recorder Digits for Windows

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Beginners - 2 External Files

Recorder Digits comes supplied with 2 external files, LEARN.TXT and WOLLITZ.TXT which are intended for recorder beginners. They display the standard fingerings for all notes and give short instructions for each.

They can be displayed via items on the File menu or much more easily via the Quickload buttons at the bottom of the program labeled "Beginner" and "Beginner2".

The first beginner file - LEARN.TXT - can serve as a good starting point for teachers, who can easily modify my remarks with their own.

The second beginner file - WOLLITZ.TXT - gives much more detailed instructions on fingering each note. It is more fully described on the Ken Wollitz Advice page.

Here is a screen snapshot of the Recorder Digits screen after the LEARN.TXT file has been loaded (click on the image for a full-sized view):

Learn Display